Where does my money go???

This is a very valid question lots of brides ask. Brides and grooms can end up spending more money than they want to or that they should because they don’t have a budget in place. It may not be the fun part about planning a wedding, but it is definitely the most integral part. Budget creation is our third process to making sure your wedding is perfect. Whether you are incredibly well off and can afford that extremely extravagant, over the top wedding or you are the frugal bride that wants to save every dime where she can, a budget must be created. Budgets help to outline where your money goes. It helps to establish what is important to you in your wedding and what can be cut if need be (i.e.: real vs. fake flowers or band vs. DJ.) At Elite Elegance, we are experienced in budget creation, maintenance and money management. We don’t want you to spend any more than you have to and we make it our highest priority to keep you within your limits.

How do we do that you ask? In our first round of meetings to discuss your event, the question we lead with is what you think you will be able to spend on your event. If you’re not sure, then we can help you by establishing what you can comfortably and realistically save weekly, biweekly or monthly. After determining that, we then figure out what is a must, what you are flexible about, and what you don’t want on your day. By answering these questions, we can then begin to compile your specific budget. We can tailor it to make sure it is exactly what you’ll need to have your perfect day. We are aware of what vendor costs run, so we will make sure that the budget is accurate to what you would need to spend. We also know how to save you money in EVERY aspect of your special day and will make every effort that you reap those benefits. This budget begins to help us find your vendors (which we will talk about in detail in our next blog).

The most important thing to remember about your budget, though it is essential to have, is that it is just an outline. If you end up realizing you have more money than you thought, you can choose to add it to your budget. If things are tighter than you expected, we can trim your budget. Though some clients are intimidated by this step, we will help you feel at ease about your financial status and making sure that you are not pushed out of your budget comfort zone. And most importantly, so you know…where the money goes!

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